Upcoming Events:
Vergangene Events:
13.02.25 An evening of timelessness - musical philosophizing about the glaciers in Switzerland and Denmark (Greenland)
On Thursday, February 13, 2025, a musical event awaits you at Ink in Appenzell. Von 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr treten Felix Keller von den Swiss Ice Fiddlers, Johannes Oerlemans von TangoGlaciar und der bekannte Geiger Harald Haugaard aus Dänemark auf.
You are cordially invited to drop by. We look forward to sharing this evening with you!
Swiss-Danmark Performance Workshop with Harald Haugaard, Helen Maier & Co.
Would you like to play your instrument for the benefit of the enchanting glacier world and at the same time learn the fascination of the combination of Danish and Swiss folk music? Then register here Would you like to play your instrument for the benefit of the enchanting glacier world and at the same time learn the fascination of the combination of Danish and Swiss folk music? Then register here or via the QR code on the flyer for our workshop by January 19, 2025 at the latest.

Klingende Ice Stupas — Musik die berührt und Bilder die Geschichten erzählen
The Swiss Ice Fiddlers will be presenting a very special performance at Ink in Appenzell on January 4 from 11:00 to 14:00. In a unique combination of music and images, they will tell a story that will immerse you in the world of ice stupas.
You are cordially invited to come by! Children are also very welcome and we would be delighted to see you there.

Making music together at 2250 m above sea level.
On 12 October, the GlaciersAlive association is organizing a music festival to which everyone is cordially invited. To register, you can either use the QR code on the flyer or register here If you would like to make music with us into the night, you can register for an overnight stay on the Tuoi hut website (tuoi.ch).
We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and making music with you.

Viva la Via summer event
The Viva la Via summer event takes place on three Thursday evenings on the popular Via Maistra village promenade in Pontresina. A varied program takes place, which starts at 16:00. The program includes various activities, concerts and shows and, of course, a wide range of food and drink. There will be pizzas, sausages, burgers, waffles and much more. The activities are designed for young and old, with information stands, chess, surf skating and children's crafts, there should be something for everyone.
The music program also offers something for young and old. There is classical music, jazz music, a clown spectacle and other great shows. On Thursday, July 18, a duo from the Swiss Ice Fiddlers will perform their string music. They will be performing on the Via Maistra from 17:00-17:45 and from 18:15-19:15.
Weitere Informationen über die Veranstaltung Viva La Via finden Sie hier: pontresina-events.


29.07.23: Kann Musik einen Trend für den Schutz der Gletscher setzen?
Die Swiss Ice Fiddlers glauben daran und sind bereit, die Botschaft mit ihrer Musik zu verbreiten. Am Samstag durfte die Musikgruppe beim Anlass ‘Gletscher-Expedition’ in der Heiliggeist Kirche in Osnabrück (Deutschland) auftreten und ihre Botschaft mit den Besuchern teilen.
14.09.23: Performance at the Swiss Global Change Day in Bern
The Swiss Global Change Day is the annual event organized by ProClim, where renowned experts present challenges and highlights of climate and global change research in a broad range of topics. It is also an opportunity to present research results on posters and discuss them with colleagues. At this special event, the Swiss Ice Fiddlers may perform and bring the fascination of glaciers closer to the participants through music.
Danish Performer Workshop
Registration Danish Performer Workshop on March 5, 2023 (registration deadline February 8)
for accomplished fiddlers, guitarists, cellists, double bassists, dulcimer players and wind players
The GlaciersAlive Exkursion, welche am Samstag in Guttannen stattfand, war ein Erfolg. 11 motivierte Teilnehmer/-innen haben uns auf dem Themenpfad ‘Das Wetter und Wir’ begleitet. Der Pfad führt entlang von 28 Stationen, an denen 26 Dorfbewohner/-innen erzählen, wie sich das Wetter auf ihren Alltag auswirkt. Die Teilnehmer/-innen konnten anhand von Tonaufnahmen und Texten erfahren, wie die Bevölkerung Guttannens mit Wetterextremen und Klimawandel umgehen.
The walk was followed by the Ice Stupa Festival (organized by the community of Guttannen), where the participants could visit the Ice Stupa, have a good dinner and enjoy a performance of the Swiss Ice Fiddlers. The Swiss Ice Fiddlers were allowed to perform in front of the ice stupa in the evening in front of about 50 participants. What an extraordinary stage.
Image source: D. Bürki Grimselfoto.ch
Upcoming Events:
PAST Events:
13.02.25 An evening of timelessness - musical philosophizing about the glaciers in Switzerland and Denmark (Greenland)
On Thursday, February 13, 2025, a musical event awaits you at Ink in Appenzell. Von 19:00 bis 22:00 Uhr treten Felix Keller von den Swiss Ice Fiddlers, Johannes Oerlemans von TangoGlaciar und der bekannte Geiger Harald Haugaard aus Dänemark auf.
You are cordially invited to drop by. We look forward to sharing this evening with you!
Swiss-Danmark Performance Workshop with Harald Haugaard, Helen Maier & Co.
Would you like to play your instrument for the benefit of the enchanting glacier world and at the same time learn the fascination of the combination of Danish and Swiss folk music? Then register here Would you like to play your instrument for the benefit of the enchanting glacier world and at the same time learn the fascination of the combination of Danish and Swiss folk music? Then register here or via the QR code on the flyer for our workshop by January 19, 2025 at the latest.

04.01.25 The sound of ice stupas - music that touches and pictures that tell stories
The Swiss Ice Fiddlers will be presenting a very special performance at Ink in Appenzell on January 4 from 11:00 to 14:00. In a unique combination of music and images, they will tell a story that will immerse you in the world of ice stupas.
You are cordially invited to come by! Children are also very welcome and we would be delighted to see you there.

Making music together at 2250 m above sea level.
On 12 October, the GlaciersAlive association is organizing a music festival to which everyone is cordially invited. To register, you can either use the QR code on the flyer or register here If you would like to make music with us into the night, you can register for an overnight stay on the Tuoi hut website (tuoi.ch).
We look forward to meeting as many of you as possible and making music with you.

Viva la Via summer event
The Viva la Via summer event takes place on three Thursday evenings on the popular Via Maistra village promenade in Pontresina. A varied program takes place, which starts at 16:00. The program includes various activities, concerts and shows and, of course, a wide range of food and drink. There will be pizzas, sausages, burgers, waffles and much more. The activities are designed for young and old, with information stands, chess, surf skating and children's crafts, there should be something for everyone.
The music program also offers something for young and old. There is classical music, jazz music, a clown spectacle and other great shows. On Thursday, July 18, a duo from the Swiss Ice Fiddlers will perform their string music. They will be performing on the Via Maistra from 17:00-17:45 and from 18:15-19:15.
Further information about the Viva La Via event can be found here. hier.


Musical world tour and ice stupa construction on New Year's Eve
by Admin92 | 1. January 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 Comments
29.07.23: Climate protection trend thanks to music?
Can music set a trend for the protection of glaciers? The Swiss Ice Fiddlers believe so and are ready to spread the message with their music. On Saturday, the music group was allowed to perform at the event 'Glacier Expedition' in the Heiliggeist Church in Osnabrück (Germany) and share their message with the visitors.
14.09.23: Performance at the Swiss Global Change Day in Bern
The Swiss Global Change Day is the annual event organized by ProClim, where renowned experts present challenges and highlights of climate and global change research in a broad range of topics. It is also an opportunity to present research results on posters and discuss them with colleagues. At this special event, the Swiss Ice Fiddlers may perform and bring the fascination of glaciers closer to the participants through music.
String music & ice fascination
The GlaciersAlive excursion, which took place on Saturday in Guttannen, was a complete success. 11 motivated participants accompanied us on the theme trail 'The weather and us'. The trail leads along 28 stations where 26 villagers tell how the weather affects their everyday life. Through audio recordings and texts, the participants were able to learn how the people of Guttannen deal with weather extremes and climate change.
The walk was followed by the Ice Stupa Festival (organized by the community of Guttannen), where the participants could visit the Ice Stupa, have a good dinner and enjoy a performance of the Swiss Ice Fiddlers. The Swiss Ice Fiddlers were allowed to perform in front of the ice stupa in the evening in front of about 50 participants. What an extraordinary stage.
Image source: D. Bürki Grimselfoto.ch

Full moon snowshoe hike

Unforgettable full moon experience with the touching sight of the Morteratsch glacier under the guidance of glaciologist Dr. Felix Keller (Download Flyer):
- Guided meditative full moon snowshoe hike without dinner for beginners with hote wine, CHF 35.- (Children CHF 10.-) (max. number of participants 15)
- Culture Full Moon Dinner (3 courses incl. spring water) with Nordic string music with the Fascination Glacier Protection Project MortAlive, CHF 110.- ) (max. number of participants 15)
- Combination snowshoe hike/culture full moon dinner, CHF 125.- (children CHF 105.-)
- Combi snowshoe hike/culture full moon dinner for HP guests Hotel Morteratsch, CHF 55.-
- Rent snowshoes (if needed) CHF 15.-
The summit for climate change
On 9/21-22, the Impact Summit will take place in St. Moritz. The summit, hosted by BlueOrchard, will include thought-provoking keynote speeches and interactive panel discussions with a carefully curated selection of global thought leaders and thought-leaders. Experts will exchange ideas to find ways to sustainably address climate change and reduce existing inequalities. Glaciologist Felix Keller will be a speaker at the Impact Summit. He will present the MortAlive project and address the impact of climate change on glaciers.
Viva la Via performance
On Thursday 11.08.2022 the Swiss Ice Fiddlers were allowed to perform at the street party 'Viva la via'.
On this day the Glaciers Clean-Up-Day took place, where 60 participants cleaned the Pers Glacier. At the 'Viva la via' street party, some of the items found were auctioned off to benefit the MortAlive project. The evening was accompanied by a performance of the Swiss Ice Fiddlers.
Viva la Via Summer Event
At the popular village promenade Via Maistra in Pontresina, a great evening program will take place on Thursday 14 July, starting at 16:00.
Nebst einem vielfältigen Gastronomieangebot wie einem Grillstand, einem veganen Foodtruck und Sushi und Thai Take-Away, gibt es Aktivitäten für Gross und Klein. Auf dem Programm stehen Ponyreiten, Basteln, ein Virtual Reality Erlebnis (Birdlife Simulator), ein Stand und E-Auto von Mobility, Strassenkünstler/innen und noch vieles mehr. Was darf an diesem Abend nicht fehlen? Musik, natürlich! Nebst Terassenmusik, Pop/Mundart und Musica Rumauntscha, bieten die Swiss Ice Fiddlers Gletscher-Yoga mit Musik an. Ausserdem wird das MortAlive Projekt vorgestellt. Wir freuen uns teilnehmen zu dürfen und hoffen einige von euch dort zu sehen! 🙂
Benefit event for the glacier protection project ,,MortAlive".
Wednesday 16. march 2022 from 19.30
Diavolezza Berggasthaus
On the program: an unusual combination of Danish folk, a ski run under a full moon and an insight into the current state of the art of the glacier maintenance system (live demo of the prototype at sufficiently cold temperatures).
Thursday 11. November 2021
08.40 o'clock until 09.20 o'clock
TMC-Enluf Symposium 2021
Dr. sc. nat. ETH Felix Keller – Glaciers and ice: What does sustainable action mean?
Saturday 11 July 2021
13.00 - 17.00 o'clock